What Does Walk By Faith Mean?

My freshman year of college, about three weeks in, I made the rebellious decision to get a tattoo. Now, my parents do NOT like tattoos, and at this time I did not work or make any of my own money. So, I used the money I was given for things like gas and groceries, to do something my parents didn’t support. Real smart, I know…

***Side note: If you ever are getting a tattoo, look into the artist first. I just went to the nearest shop and they did not do a great job. I’ve had a different artist touch it up and fix what they could. It’s on my foot so nobody is looking up close, but it bothers me. So, be picky about the artist!

Anyways, I thankfully got something that is extremely meaningful to me. I got the words “Walk by Faith,” written on the inside of my foot.

2 Corinthians 5:7 says, “For we walk by Faith, not by sight.”

When I was a senior in high school, I went to Rock the Universe at Universal Studios, in Orlando. This was a two-day Christian music festival inside the theme park. The entire park was closed for the event. I was raised a Christian and always believed in God. I grew up watching my Veggie Tales as any Christian school kid does, and I knew all my bible stories. However, I had never really understood the relationship aspect of it all. Which means I was missing the most significant part. At Rock the Universe, it was the first time I really got it. I finally felt a relationship with God, and it was the best thing that happened to me.

One of the artists at the festival was Jeremy Camp. He was a song called “Walk by Faith,” and it really stuck with me. The chorus of the song says, “Well I will walk by faith, even when I cannot see. Well because this broken road, prepares your will for me.”

To me, walking by faith, not by sight, means walking God’s path for our lives, not walking based off of what we see in front of us. We see a lot of things in this world that may look pleasing, but it is not what God envisioned for us.

I like to think about it as if there you’re driving, and there is a fork in the road. You know that one way will take you through all the things that your flesh wants. It will take you through everything in this world that seems appealing and pleasing, but you’re not sure where it ends. You know that that road may have what you think is best, but it is not in line with what God says is best. The second road is a bit confusing. It has a lot of unexpected turns, and it takes you through some things that your human flesh doesn’t want to deal with, but you know that at the end of this road, is Jesus.

What we see is not always good for us. What we want is not always God’s plan for us. I believe that we need to have Faith in God’s perfect plan for us and walk by that Faith. Every step we take should be down the road that leads to Jesus. It won’t always be easy or fun, but it is what is best for us. That is what our entire relationship with God should be focused on. Taking steps towards God by trusting Him, by having Faith in Him. It is not by walking based on what we see. Look at this world. We see terrible things every day. We see temptation, fear, regret, disappointment and so much more. If we are walking based off of what we see, we won’t end up with Jesus. But if we walk by faith, that road leads us to Jesus.

Although getting a tattoo at 18 years old, without my parent’s permission was not the right decision, I really stand by what my tattoo says. I am not perfect by any means, and I definitely take a few steps on the wrong path sometimes. I am thankful that I have these meaningful words on my body because sometimes I need to see those words. I need a reminder to keep walking by what I believe even when it is hard.

I really want to encourage everyone to have faith in God’s plan for us. We may not understand it, but He knows what is best for us. Walk every step based on your Faith, and that road will lead you to Jesus.

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